Looking for a better work-life balance?

80% of nurses feel burnt out and we’re looking to end that. We want you to live stress-free, not learn stress management. Get your life back and live the life you deserve.

“School nursing is nursing’s best kept secret.”

- Joel Siapno, The Founder of School Nursing Solutions

How working with us is different.


  1. Less Demand, Less Stress: We work with healthy students, not sick patients. Our schools just need your support and expertise.

  2. Autonomy: You're often the only healthcare provider on-site. You have the freedom to run your health office as you see most fit with no medical supervisor breathing down your neck.

  3. Competitive Pay: Explore how our financial program can boost your take-home pay, compete with what they pay you in the hospital, and improve your financial knowledge.

  4. Lifestyle: Get your life back with the school schedule - all major holidays off, no nights, no overtime, no weekends, and summer, spring, and winter breaks. Spend more time with your loved ones and/or get that side hustle off the ground with more physical energy and mental clarity.


Our program helps school nurses set up their own Limited Liability Company (LLC) to help save thousands on taxes, improve financial organization, and explore opportunities for a passive second stream of income through partnerships. Many of our nurses often even leave us due to the success of this second stream of income. 


  1. Addressing a Critical Need: 60% of students don't have access to a school nurse and are in urgent need of our services. By working with us, you can contribute directly to filling this crucial gap in care.

  2. Meaningful Impact: School nurses can have a meaningful impact on students' health, well-being, and educational experience. We play a vital role in ensuring a safe and supportive environment for the student population to thrive. Feel accomplished and fulfilled knowing you are actively contributing to the safety and well-being of the next generation.

  3. Educational Advocacy: Our organization not only provides direct healthcare but also educates teachers and parents about the importance of adolescent wellness. This approach ensures that the entire school community is equipped to support students' physical medical needs.


We are committed to creating an environment where school nurses from all backgrounds feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed in their roles. By doing so, we not only enhance the quality of care for the student population but also contribute to the overall success of our mission.


  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Telehealth eliminates the need for daily commuting to schools, reducing the carbon emissions associated with transportation.

  2. Virtual Health Education: Remote school nurses can provide virtual health education to students, teachers, and parents, promoting eco-friendly habits and behaviors to a wider audience.

  3. Paperless Documentation: Telehealth relies on electronic health records and digital documentation, reducing the need for paper-based records.