Hearing & vision screening program.

Secure your spot with us to ensure you meet your Hearing & Vision requirements before the academic year ends.

No equipment? No problem! We can use your existing Hearing & Vision equipment or we can bring our own. Just let us know when you inquire.

Need a customized program to fit the unique needs of your academic institution or district? Tell us what you’re looking for in the form below!

  • Through our Hearing & Vision Screening Program, we guarantee compliance with CA Education Code 49455 and CA Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2951. In our program, we’ll see students in the Mandated Screenings Grades (K, 2nd, 5th, 8th, & 10th), students undergoing an IEP Eligibility Evaluation (Initial IEP Meetings and Eligibility Evaluations), and Staff Referrals (any staff members who have noticed difficulty with hearing or vision for a particular student). Appraising the color vision of boys in the 2nd grade is also included in our Hearing & Vision Screening Program.

    After our initial visit, we typically come back within 2-6 weeks to retest any students who fail hearing. Doing so will rule-out any false failures due to illness or congestion. We can also use this time to see students who were absent during the 1st round. Our Hearing & Vision Screening Program is usually booked as an end-to-end service, with referrals written for students who fail and results entered into your student database. However, your priorities will be taken into consideration when planning the scope of your project (speed, budget, compliance, etc.).

  • The ideal setting would be a warm, medium-large, quiet classroom. Carpeted floors with access to windows tend to work best for our screening program.

    A parent volunteer / liaison who knows the students would be very helpful and 2 or more would be even better for larger populations. This would ensure timeliness and efficiency throughout the screening process.

  • The best time to implement a Hearing & Vision Screening Program for your school is at the beginning of the school year.

    This is also the best time to conduct Scoliosis Screenings or any Professional Development you may deem necessary.

Is your school remote?

No problem! We should ensure that your students can see and hear as well!

We often piggyback our services off of park meetups, school picture days, etc. Let’s start the conversation to see how we can make our program as seamless as possible for you!

Bulk services, save time and money.

  • Hearing & Vision for the Next 3 Years

  • Scoliosis Screening Program

  • Professional Development

  • Epi-Pen & Narcan Implementation

Get a quote.

Pricing varies depending on location, student population, and other details. Inquire below for a quote!


Epi-Pen & Narcan Implementation