Professional development.

Professional Development ensures your staff remain up-to-date on evidence-based, best practices. The implementation of Professional Development in the school setting ensures congruency amongst your Nursing Department from the top down, guaranteeing students receive the best health care possible.

Our Professional Development is built upon years of experience and trusted resources from organizations like the NASN, the CSNO, and the AAP, and more. These sessions can be held in a variety of formats, depending on your needs. The most common are Full Days (1, 2, or 3), Half-Days (4 hours), and Refreshers (90 Minute Sessions).

Our training philosophy incorporates the needs of the 3 main types of learners - visual, auditory, and tactile. Your participants will be provided with digital and physical learning materials, catering to the visual learner. These materials are for the participant to keep.

An expert lecturer will orchestrate the training program, taking each participant through the need-to-know information, catering to the auditory learning. Physical demonstrations will be displayed as appropriate and opportunities for return demonstrations will be provided through volume practice and situational breakdowns.

Finally, training certificates will be provided to your staff upon successful completion of an examination at the end of the training. Training Certificates are valid for 1 year.

  • Comprehensive training on managing common health conditions in schools

    Training certificates valid for 12 months

    Customized to meet the specific needs of your school or district

  • Training on fundamental first aid skills, including ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

    Covers common situations like fevers and general malaise

    Prepares staff to respond to medical emergencies

  • Training on administering Narcan for opioid overdose emergencies

    Equips staff with life-saving skills

  • Training on proper medication administration protocols in a school setting

    Ensures staff are knowledgeable about medication safety and administration

  • Catheterization

    Tracheostomy Care

    G-Tube Training


    and more!

Bulk services, save time and money.

  • Staff Trainings for the Next 3 Years

  • Hearing & Vision Screening Program

  • Scoliosis Screening Program

  • Epi-Pen & Narcan Implementation

Get a quote.

Pricing varies depending on location, program type, and other details. Inquire below for a quote.


Epi-Pen & Narcan Implementation

